As many of our searches are confidential, not all assignments are advertised. If you don't see an opportunity of interest please get in touch to explore other potential opportunities.

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When you need the best candidate for a key position our Professional Search programme is the outstanding solution. Applied to your senior specialist and mid-level leadership talent challenges, Professional Search is research-centred and targeted.

Our experienced teams begin the assignment with our Detailed Needs Analysis process, designed to gain a comprehensive understanding of your needs. This builds quickly into a wide research and highly focussed, structured search and assessment programme. We undertake several layers of evaluation and apply mid-tier pricing to make this a truly high value proposition for organisations that demand best in class talent acquisition outcomes.

  • Dedicated research and consulting team to deep dive and identify the best national and international talent pools for the role.

  • Four-dimensional assessment to support hiring decisions, including competency-based interview, personal statements, psychometric evaluation and technical rating.

  • High touch candidate experience to build engagement and maximise valuable feedback.

  • Cost sensitive, all-inclusive staged fees with extended warranty periods and added service commitments.

  • Annual multi-hire search programmes with additional, customisable service elements and benefits.

  • Onboarding and continuous post-placement support.

Working through three highly specialised search practices, we deliver into the most demanding assignments for standalone or multiple hiring programmes. For more information, please contact our Head of Customer, Louise Haniver | or our Chief Executive Paul O'Donnell |

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